The Way of Infiltration of the Syrian Fighters Into Afghanistan
Despite all efforts of the NATO coalition led by the United States to combat international terrorism, the threat of terrorist attacks on the territory of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan by militants of the Islamic State continues to grow. Various international organizations note in their reports that for the last four months of this year, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group committed 15 terrorist attack in Afghanistan, which killed and injured a large number of civilians.
According to data published by an international non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch, in the ranks of ISIL in Afghanistan there are more than 8.5 thousand militants, 70% of whom are citizens of foreign countries (immigrants from Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Syria, Russia and China) and 30% are Afghan citizens.
How the militants with combat background get the Afghan territory? We’ll try to show you one of the transfer routes of the trained extremists from the Syrian Arab Republic to Afghanistan.
Due to the fact that the Syrian government continues active actions to eliminate ISIL terrorists, US special services are forced to secretly withdraw extremists from Syria to Turkey with subsequent transfer of fighters to Afghanistan. Earlier, the Pentagon had already carried out such operations, but after Tehran accused American troops of transferring ISIL members to Afghanistan and supplying the militants with military equipment using transport aircrafts, the Americans had to curtail this activity. That’s why nowadays the United States just provide a financial support for the transfer of ISIL fighters to Afghanistan.

To legalize militants who arrived from Syria to the territory of the Republic of Turkey, Islamists use Afghan passports, which are bought in advance from poor Afghan citizens and delivered to Turkey. Than passports with new owner’s photo inside and all border crossing seals are handed over to militants. As we know from our sources, Omar Farouk in the Takhar Province and Abu Mukhtar in the Balkh Province are engaged in search and purchase of passports. They offer 600 US dollars to poor Afghan citizens for their passport.

Having new (fake) documents, extremists, under the guise of returnees, cross the Turkish-Iranian border. Then fake Afghans go to the Iranian-Pakistan border and with help of hires guides pass to the territory of Pakistan to the district of the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. And finally, everything is left to do is to cross the Afghan-Pakistan border in the Nangarhar Province. It should be noted that the cost of transferring one terrorist from Syria to Afghanistan is $1,500.
Today we told you the way that ISIL field commanders, at secret financing of the USA, use for bringing a new blood into Afghan civil war. In our next article we’ll describe how ISIL members recruit Afghan civilians into their ranks.
Summing up, we’d like to note that the promised full withdrawal of US troops and NATO contingent from Afghanistan doesn’t mean that American leadership will stop to interfere in its domestic policy.
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