How ISIL Fill The Number Of The Group Within The Borders Of Afghanistan
In our previous article we’ve told you the way of transferring of ISIL militants from Syria to Afghanistan and now we want to tell you about how extremists fill the number of the group within the borders of Afghanistan.
ISIL militants have already divided Afghanistan by zones a long time ago where field commanders are responsible not only for the activities of terrorist cells but also for replenishing the ranks of the organization with new members. ISIL emissaries propagate the ideas of Islamic radical sense among the locals though social networks and messengers. Their agitation messages deliver the fact that the goal of the Islamic Caliphate is to establish justice, peace and development in society. The creation of an exemplary state is defined as the aim of the Islamic State. According to militants’ ideas this system will allow to organize the highest living standards for Muslims.
First of all emissaries try to contact with low-income sections of the locals. For example, a newly-born supporter of the international terrorist organization since joining ISIL ranks have about $400 per month in Badakhshan Province. There’s also another way of recruiting in Nangarhar Province. Militants just buy the Afghan children from their parents. Then their children aged from 5 till 17 years receive training in madrasa and military camps of extremists. Their parents get from 300 to 500 dollars per month for that. Children are trained from an early age to provide information about their relatives and acquaintances who are negatively related to ISIL activities in exchange for a monetary reward of up to $100.

Recruitment is also carried out in mosques, where after the prayer is completed, the ideas of the World Caliphate are promoted among parishioners, as well as the need to adopt “correct” Islam, fight against the current government and its security forces. Participants are provided monthly financial assistance in amount of up to $50 for regular attending the closed meetings. Besides, promoting ideas of the caliphate is also carried out in local educational institutions. In 2020, Afghan law enforcement agencies recorded cases of propaganda of ISIL ideas among young people studying at Kabul and Nangarhar state universities. According a secret survey more than half of the students of these universities support extremist ideology.
The lure of Afghan citizen into the ranks of a terrorist organization is not limited to the ideological work with the population. In leaflets that are distributed in the territories controlled by militants ISIL emissaries declare that ISIL militants and their families are entitled to receive free food in any shops located in the territory under IS control. Electricity, water, medical care and medicines are also provided for free to supporters of an international terrorist organization. Among other things, everyone who joins the ranks of a terrorist organization is given an assault rifle and five equipped stores to it.
All citizens who have joined a terrorist organization receive compulsory training, which includes not only a religious component, but also intensive military training courses (firearms training, physical training, subversive practice combat in built-up area, the rules of equipment and the use of the suicide belt). In additional to basic military training, recruited extremists, led by American curators, gain combat experience in armed conflicts in various parts of the world.

In conclusion, we’d like to draw the attention of our readers to the role and place of the state in the involvement of civilians in joining to terrorist groups. The President of Afghanistan must hear pleas for the help of his people and to remember that the loss of control over the problem now, tomorrow means the loss of control over the whole country. If to make nothing today, ISIL’ recruits will take positions in different Government organizations soon and the proud name of the country of “Afghanistan” can forever disappear from the world map.